
The adventures of a swan*

Idealistically dreaming my way through life


south africa



I have this life dream thingy.. One of those, ‘I can’t die before this happens’ things (which kinda makes me think I shouldn’t do it anytime soon or else I know I’m one step closer to death seeing as that criteria was met) 

I wanna make a storm bubble. So I can go and sit in the middle of a field, in a wide open space, during a thunder lightning storm. 

Feel the earth shake during that deeeeep grumble. 

Have weird patterns in my the blacks of my closed eyes from the crack of splitting lightning. 

All tucked up under a big pouffy deuvet all warm and snuggly and cosy (perhaps tea) and have rain fall all around me and watch patterns and drops and be in the middle of a storm!!

–long slow inhale–

Yes please!!!*

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